Week 2 Posting - Windows

Watching the video provided for this week, Microsoft Windows: Entire History in 3 Minutes, I was interested in seeing and looking back on some Windows versions. I was nostalgic when I saw Windows XP and Vista because I used both versions at school and at my mom's job. When I was younger, from age 5 to 10, I lived in Brazil, and at that time, kids in school would have IT classes to learn the basics of a computer. Our computers at school would use these versions of Windows XP or Vista. I remember when Windows 7 came out, its updates, and new add-ons. However, I also remember there were some complications as well. For example, upgrading from Windows XP to 7 was complex, and many applications failed. New users at the time did not like Windows 7 and would return to XP since it was easier and cheaper. Windows has improved ever since, but sometimes I do end up having some issues when there are updates for Windows, especially on an older version of an HP laptop, for example.  


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