
Showing posts from May, 2024

Week 11 Posting - Printers and Multifunctional Devices

 Brainstorming an enhancement for an operating system, doing research, and reading everyone's ideas were interesting topics this week. Setting up and configuring different devices within Windows enhances technical skills and self-sufficiency. Diagnosing and fixing common printer problems minimizes downtime and frustration, maintaining productivity. With this knowledge, I can choose the right printer or device that best suits my needs, whether for personal, educational, or professional use. 

Week 9 Posting - Memory Upgrade

  The video "A+ Computer Repair Training Course - Computer Notebooks - Memory Upgrade - Lesson 1" taught me a lot. One of the things that I learned and refreshed my mind on was how to replace the memory card and upgrade the laptop's memory. In the video, we learn how to replace memory cards and know the difference between some RAM cards like DDR, DDR2, and   DDR3. It is important to know which ones are compatible with the motherboard in case we want to update some of the components on our laptops. DDR2 operates faster than DDR, while DDR3 builds upon DDR2 with additional advancements in speed, power efficiency, and capacity. 

Week 8 Posting - Internet Protocol

  It was interesting to learn about Internet Protocol. IPv4   uses a 32-bit address, while IPv6 uses a 128-bit address . This means that IPv6 offers 1,028 times more addresses than IPv4, solving the problem of "running out of addresses" problem. Or are we going to run out of addresses one day? Technology constantly grows; however, we have sufficient space for endless devices and networks to connect to the Internet directly. I am also excited to share my milestone paper and read what you all choose to write. 

Week 10 Posting - Mobile Devices

 I had fun with this week's assignment. We had to pretend a scenario where we drafted a memo. To teach someone how to use a mobile device, putting down words is something I have to work on since I suck at explaining things. Also, it was interesting to read the discussion forum and hear different opinions on mobile operating systems. We all have different experiences and needs; sharing these opinions was great. 

Week 7 Posting - Windows Troubleshooting

 I learned more about the blue screen of death. I did not know that when a screen goes blue or black, the term for it is called the blue screen of death. Debugging and troubleshooting are essential skills for developers and IT professionals. They assist in identifying and resolving issues, improving system stability, and improving performance. Debugging and troubleshooting in the Windows system will involve identifying and fixing software or hardware problems, which Daniel Pearson explains in his video "Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting." It was a very informative video for this week's assignment.