
Showing posts from April, 2024

Week 6 Posting - File Systems

 It was interesting this week to learn more about file systems, how much they have helped, and how much more they could change as we advance in technology. Learning more about AI is interesting because it allows me to see everyone's opinion and things being created, and I wonder how it will be in the future. AI is becoming complex, and I fear that one day, AI will become more intelligent than us. In specific areas of technology, it would be great for something like AI to think better than us, but what happens when our brains are too small to understand AI? It is an exciting topic to discuss. 

Week 5 Posting - Linux

 This week, I learned more about different types of operating systems and what to do if there are any installation problems. Learning about each operating system is essential to know which software works better for you and your computer. Each will work differently, especially if you have an older laptop. Linux works best for my older laptop because it is lightweight and efficient. Users can optimize Linux to use fewer system resources, making it excellent for older hardware. They use less processing power, RAM, and storage compared to other operating systems like Windows.

Week 4 Posting - PSU

 While writing my forum for this week, I had the chance to search and learn more about power supplies for a computer. The PSU transforms the AC (alternating current) from an electrical outlet into a stable low-voltage DC (direct current) usable by the computer. It powers parts, including the motherboard, processor, and other hardware components. There are a few cool facts about PSU. For example, Apple II (1977) presented the switched-mode power supply, which was lighter, smaller, and fanless. Before Apple invented a lighter, smaller, and fanless PSU, computers had heavy transformers and linear power supplies. 

Week 3 Posting - CPU and RAM

 During this week's assignments and videos, I learned that programmers wrote Firmware in ROM (read-only memory) in the early days. However, when the Firmware got outdated, there was no alternative to update it. After that, programmers started writing Firmware on EPROM or EEROM, which can be erased and reprogrammed. The only trick is that these storage devices are too expensive. It is interesting to know how, over time, programmers had to change how memory space would be used on a computer, for example, the function of a CPU, Memory (RAM), and Firmware, and how to update to operate more effectively.